Visitors' Guide

Charter of Mutual Rights in Moheb Mehr Hospital

  1. It is the patient's right to receive optimal health services.
  2. Information should be provided to the patient in a good and sufficient way.
  3. The patient's right to choose and make a free decision in receiving health services should be respected.
  4. The provision of health services must be based on respect for the patient's privacy (right to privacy) and compliance with the principle of confidentiality.
  5. Access to an efficient complaint handling system is a patient's right.

It is the patient's right to receive optimal health services.

  • Be worthy of human dignity and with respect to values, cultural and religious beliefs
  • It should be based on honesty, fairness, politeness and kindness
  • Regardless of any discrimination, including ethnic, cultural, religious, type of disease and gender
  • Be based on current knowledge
  • be based on the superiority of the patient's interests
  • Regarding the distribution of health resources, it should be based on justice and treatment priorities of patients
  • It should be based on the coordination of the elements of care including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
  • along with the provision of all basic and necessary amenities and away from imposing pain and suffering and unnecessary restrictions
  • Pay special attention to the rights of vulnerable groups in society, including children, pregnant women, the elderly, mental patients, prisoners, the mentally and physically disabled, and people without guardians.
  • As soon as possible and with respect to the patient's time
  • Considering variables such as language, age and gender of service recipients
  • In urgent and urgent care (emergency), it should be done regardless of its cost. In non-urgent (elective) cases, it should be based on defined criteria
  • In urgent and urgent care (emergency), if it is not possible to provide appropriate services, it is necessary to provide the basis for transferring the patient to an equipped unit after providing the necessary services and the necessary explanations.
  • In the final stages of life, when the condition of the disease is irreversible and the death of the patient is imminent, it should be presented with the aim of maintaining her comfort. Comfort means reducing the patient's pain and suffering, paying attention to the psychological, social, spiritual and emotional needs of her and her family at the time of death. The dying patient has the right to be with the person she wants in the last moments of her life.
  • Dying refers to the state of an incurable and irreversible disease in which imminent death is inevitable.

Information should be provided to the patient in a good and sufficient way.

1-2) The content of the information should include the following:

  • The provisions of the patient's rights charter at the time of admission
  • Predictable criteria and costs of the hospital, including medical and non-medical services, insurance criteria and the introduction of support systems at the time of admission
  • The name, responsibility, and professional rank of the members of the medical team responsible for providing care, including doctors, nurses, and students, and their professional relationship with each other.
  • Diagnostic and treatment methods and the strengths and weaknesses of each method and its possible complications, disease diagnosis, prognosis and complications, as well as all the information influencing the patient's decision-making process.
  • How to access the attending physician and the main members of the medical team during the treatment
  • All actions that have a research nature; Providing necessary training for the continuation of treatment

2-2) The way of providing information should be as follows:

  • The information should be provided at the appropriate time and according to the patient's conditions, including anxiety and pain, and his/her individual characteristics, including language, education, and understanding, unless: delay in starting the treatment by providing the above information may cause harm to the patient; (In this case, the transfer of information should be done at the earliest convenient time after taking the necessary action.) Despite being informed of the right to receive information, the patient refuses to do so, in which case the patient's request should be respected, unless the patient's lack of information put him or others in serious danger;
  • The patient can have access to all the information recorded in her clinical file and receive its image and request the correction of the errors contained in it.

The patient's right to choose and make a free decision in receiving health services should be respected.

1-3) The scope of selection and decision-making is about the following:

  • Selection of medical doctor and health service provider center within the criteria
  • Choosing and asking the opinion of the second doctor as a consultant
  • Participation or non-participation in any kind of research, with the assurance that her decision will not affect the continuity and way of receiving health services.
  • Accepting or rejecting proposed treatments after knowing the possible side effects of accepting or rejecting them, except in cases of suicide or cases where refusing treatment puts another person at serious risk.
  • The previous declaration of the patient's opinion about the future treatment measures when the patient has the capacity to make a decision should be recorded and used as a guide for medical measures when the patient lacks the capacity to make a decision in accordance with the legal criteria in the opinion of the health service providers and the decision maker instead of the patient.

2-3) The selection and decision-making conditions include the following:

The patient's choice and decision-making should be free and informed, based on receiving sufficient and comprehensive information (mentioned in the second paragraph); After providing the information, the patient should be given enough time to make a decision and choose.

The provision of health services must be based on respect for the patient's privacy (right to privacy) and compliance with the principle of confidentiality.

  • Compliance with the principle of confidentiality regarding all information related to the patient is mandatory, except in cases where the law has made an exception
  • The patient's privacy must be respected in all stages of care, including diagnostic and treatment. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide all necessary facilities to guarantee the patient's privacy
  • Only the patient and the treatment group and authorized persons on behalf of the patient and persons deemed authorized by law can access the information.
  • The patient has the right to have a trusted person with her during the diagnostic process, including examinations. It is the child's right to be accompanied by one of the child's parents in all stages of treatment, unless this is against medical necessity.

Access to an efficient complaint handling system is a patient's right.

  • Every patient has the right to complain to the competent authorities in case of violation of her rights, which is the subject of this charter, without disturbing the quality of receiving health services.
  • Patients have the right to be informed of the procedure and results of their complaints
  • The damage caused by the error of the health service providers must be compensated in the shortest possible time after investigation and proof according to the regulations. In implementing the provisions of this charter, if the patient lacks decision-making capacity for any reason, the exercise of all the patient's rights - mentioned in this charter - will be the responsibility of the alternative legal decision-maker. Of course, if the substitute decision-maker prevents the patient's treatment against the doctor's opinion, the doctor can appeal the decision through the relevant authorities.
  • If a patient who lacks sufficient capacity to make a decision, but can make a reasonable decision in a part of the treatment process, her decision should be respected.

Vulnerable groups:

The hospital supports the vulnerable groups of the society, such as children, pregnant women, disabled people, elderly people, mental patients, recipients of unknown services, mentally and physically disabled people and people without guardians and other groups at risk. So that in order to treat and care for all the people of the aforementioned groups, specialized instructions are compiled and implemented.

Recipient of dying service:

The hospital provides respectful care to the patient who is dying.

The hospital provides conditions where the recipient of the dying service can meet with her companions at any hour of the day and night in a planned manner.

Confidentiality of information:

In the hospital, only the recipient of the service, the treatment group, authorized persons on behalf of the recipient of the service, and persons deemed authorized by law can access the patient's information.

If the recipient of the image service requests, all the information recorded in the patient's file will be provided in the form of a copy or CD to the patient or her first-degree companions.


The hospital follows the national standards of clothing for patients, women wear blouses and pants and scarves, and men wear pants and blouses, and if they are transferred to the operating room, they use gowns, pants, hats, and disposable clothes.

In order to perform the treatment procedures, the shield must be used and the privacy and cover of the patient must be maintained during the treatment procedures.

In all shifts, male and female personnel are used, and as much as possible, all services are performed by homogeneous personnel, and if it is not possible to have a homogeneous professional staff for a specific treatment method, the presence of a homogeneous non-professional staff is considered. .

In 2-bed rooms, in addition to respecting the gender of the patients during hospitalization, even if possible, the companions are also tried to be homogeneous.

Areas of the recipient's body that do not need intervention in the diagnostic and treatment stages are covered.

With the recipient of the service:

In the case of child patients, the accompaniment of one of the parents is considered in all stages of treatment (as long as it is not contrary to medical necessity).

The presence of companions with the patients is considered after receiving the companion sheet and coordinating with the relevant department manager and on the condition that there is no disruption in medical procedures.

All attendants in the inpatient departments can visit patients every day from 14:30 to 16:00, and in special departments, this is done from 15:00 to 16:00, following the principles of infection control.

The accompanying patient card includes the benefits of serving food, serving snacks, sofa bed and transportation during non-visiting hours.

Since the patient's companions are of special importance, the survey expert based in the hospital conducts a survey of the companions every day and their points of view are used in order to improve the service to the companions as much as possible.


All the education related to the disease is given to the patients upon arrival, during hospitalization and during discharge, and it is recorded in the patient education sheet and its effectiveness is evaluated.

Free choice and participation:

Before performing any treatment procedure, necessary information is provided to patients and patients have enough opportunity to consult and make informed and free decisions.

The patient and the companion can choose the relevant doctor themselves and if they need to visit, in addition to the doctors of the center, a second consultant can also be present at the patient's bedside.

How to receive the service fee from the service recipient:

The service fee is collected from the service recipient according to existing regulations and laws.

In emergency cases, health services are provided without financial considerations and according to the current rules of the hospital.

In case of transfer to other centers, the service recipient will be informed beforehand about the necessary specialties for treatment, the amount of tariffs and service insurance coverage in the destination medical center, and if possible, she has the right to choose.

Property of service recipient:

The personal property of patients is kept in the closest place to the patient where they can access it personally. All patients are informed at the time of admission about not keeping valuables in the hospital, and this information is posted on the board of the patient's room.

Accepting patients and providing amenities:

The meeting hours are every day from 14:30 to 16:00.

If the patients wish to have access to comfort facilities such as meals, snacks, and sofa beds, it is possible to obtain a card.

  1. The employees of this hospital consider themselves committed but also proud to serve the people honestly and believe that the pleasure of the Creator is dependent on the pleasure of the creature.
  2. The effort to apply and optimally use new technologies and prepare the right space in order to provide desirable and valuable services to customers is one of the priorities of this center.
  3. Intimacy and pleasantness combined with responsible behavior towards clients and being accountable for performance is the duty of all of us.
  4. Our goal is to try to provide good quality service, correct and timely treatment of patients, and try to satisfy them.
  5. Punctuality, orderliness and appearance, observing politeness and respect towards the patient are our other duties.
  6. Our success depends on teamwork and continuous improvement of quality and all-round development is our goal.
  7. This center believes that customers are the final judges of the quality of services and the reason for the survival of any organization, so we will make continuous efforts to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of services and the ultimate satisfaction of patients.

Since the success of serving the sick and suffering and saving human lives is among the highest acts of worship and saving the life of a human being is considered equal to saving the lives of all human beings by the holy law, and considering that it is necessary to serve the sick to have an environment It is a calm and motivated staff, and in order to protect the rights of the dear and dedicated employees who serve the patients day and night, the charter of the employees' rights and this charter means discretion, ability and immunity, and the employees can exercise their rights in honorable cases. to pass

  1. Hospital personnel have the right to be fully respected for providing optimal and effective care by patients and companions.
  2. Hospital personnel have the right to provide services and treatment methods only within the framework of legal duties based on scientific principles and guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education.
  3. Hospital personnel have the right to have a calm and safe environment in order to provide optimal and effective care.
  4. Hospital personnel have the right to be safe from any verbal and physical aggression by patients or companions.
  5. Hospital personnel have the right to refuse to perform actions against professional principles and rules that cause physical or mental harm to the patient, despite the request and insistence of the patients.
  6. Hospital personnel have the right to be treated appropriately and respectfully by officials, employees, government officials, inspectors, patients and their companions.
  7. Hospital personnel have the right to receive judicial support and assistance from the authorities in cases where they are prosecuted for performing their job duties.
  8. Personnel have the right to benefit from the latest guidelines and new treatment methods and regulations that are related to their job duties within the framework of the relevant regulations.
  9. Hospital personnel have the right to work in a safe environment in terms of infrastructure, equipment and facilities.